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Hurco supports Omron ATC seminar

Source:Ringier Metalworking Release Date:2019-10-15 845
Hurco (SE Asia) Ptd Ltd supported Omron Electronics Pte Ltd's Advanced Automation Technology Seminar on on October 10-11, 2019.      

The seminar focused on how companies can leverage on the ready and available technologies to embark on digitization journey to improve productivity and quality. As well as to answer to the challenges of “High mix, Low Volume” production, “Lean” factory and even “Lights Out” factory concept.

Wai Yip Lee, General Manager of Hurco (S.E. Asia) Pte Ltd, "Our role in the seminar is provide the perspective from a machine tool builder in integrating automation into a machine shop. We hope to share our knowledge on the practical matters relating to CNC machine tending, to bridge the knowledge gap between automation and actual CNC programming/machining."

The  seminar included a live working demonstration of the Digitization of a precision parts manufacturing process - integrating an advanced CNC machine, Collaborative Robot, Mobile Robot, Work in Progress (WIP) tracking, Traceability and Digital Dashboard.


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