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MC Mühlenchemie offers 360° service for pasta-making

Source:MC Mühlenchemie Release Date:2025-01-30 309
Food & BeverageFood & Beverage Ingredients TechnologyIngredientsIndustry Updates
Comprehensive solutions for perfect pasta; Enzymes and technology in harmony; Tailor-made support for top efficiency

Flour treatment specialist MC Mühlenchemie has expanded its offerings for pasta production to offer 360° service. The production of pasta takes more than just high-quality flour. Processing, drying and packaging are factors in a complex process and make an important contribution to the quality of the final product. Going forward, MC will address all process steps with comprehensive analyses, consulting, solutions and training.


With projected annual growth of 6.7% through 2028, pasta remains one of the world’s fastest-growing consumer goods. In 2024 the average per capita volume in the pasta market is expected to reach 7.2 kg (source: Statista, status of 13 May 2024). The requirements for manufacturers are growing, as volumes and demand rise along with an increasing diversity of products and framework conditions.


An important part of the 360° service is the technological equipment in MC Mühlenchemie's pasta technology centre at the Stern Technology Centre in Ahrensburg. (Photo © MC Mühlenchemie)


A holistic approach for the perfect pasta

Pasta production can be likened to assembling a complex puzzle. All elements, from ingredient selection and flour quality to the production equipment and its maintenance, must be perfectly coordinated. The different manufacturing processes and preferences around the world demand individual solutions, which MC Mühlenchemie offers with its 360° service.


An important part of the service is the technological outfitting of the MC Mühlenchemie Pasta Laboratory at the Stern-Technology Center in Ahrensburg, Germany. With the commissioning of a new drying cabinet last year, pasta makers can in a realistic setting test how different flour treatments and process parameters affect product quality. The dryer simulates industrial production conditions with almost 100 percent accuracy and makes it possible to individually adapt drying times to different pasta shapes, a key factor in product development and efficiency improvement.


Enzymes and technology – The heart of flour improvement

The heart of MC Mühlenchemie’s 360° service is the use of enzymes to adjust flour quality. Enzymes play a key role in pasta bite firmness, stickiness, cooking stability and colour intensity. These enzymes deploy their effects only in close coordination with the technical processes along the production line. Factors like temperature, moisture, airflow and drying time must be closely monitored and adjusted for the specific requirements of the respective pasta-maker.


Dovetailing enzymatic solutions with modern technology is key to maximizing the business benefits for the manufacturer. The precise control of the manufacturing process in the Pasta Laboratory makes it possible to adapt it to specific raw materials and production conditions. This ensures that the pasta not only meets the highest quality standards, but can also be made efficiently and with low resource use.



The texture and color of the pasta can be adjusted through the targeted use of enzymes. (Photo © MC Mühlenchemie)


Custom solutions from experts

MC Mühlenchemie brings together a team of food engineers, experienced pasta production technicians, enzyme specialists and pasta lovers to offer all-round service. This 360° service includes efficient flour improvement, a state-of-the-art Pasta Laboratory with pilot plants, and precise on-site process consulting. MC Mühlenchemie also assists its customers in scaling up new recipes for industrial production, and offers extensive training and workshops.


360° service: Technical support, training and more

MC Mühlenchemie’s 360° service covers all aspects of pasta production.

Technical support: On-site process inspection and technical support for optimizing production. This includes the simulation of industrial manufacturing processes, enabling precise adaptation to specific requirements.


Training: Online and on-site training for a deeper understanding of pasta-making and the effective use of enzymatic solutions combined with the latest technologies.


Texture and colour improvement: Through the targeted use of enzymes and colourings, the texture and colour of the pasta can be adjusted to meet specific customer requirements and market preferences.


Pasta enrichment: The combination of enzymes with special vitamin and mineral mixes boosts the nutritional value of pasta and contributes to improved public health.


Through its close partnership with leading manufacturers of pasta production equipment such as Fava S.p.A., and its knowledge of process technology and flour treatment, MC Mühlenchemie offers indispensable assistance for pasta-makers. This all-in approach ensures that all elements of pasta production, from raw materials to finished product, are perfectly coordinated to provide the highest quality and efficiency.


For more, visit Partner to the world's mills | Understanding Flour | Muehlenchemie



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