DSM opened its research and technology center for engineering plastics in India on April 19. The center is located in Ranjangaon, Pune. The new facility will support new product and application development and deliver rapid, specific test data for its products, allowing for close collaboration with DSM’s customers.
The launch of this research center is in line with DSM’s strategy to support and grow its business, not only with customers in India, but globally, said Roeland Polet, President DSM Engineering Plastics. The capabilities now available to customers in this facility enable DSM reduce further the time to market for innovations.
In the new center DSM will be able to work closely with customers in supporting new product development using a wide variety of equipment for material and application testing, including injection molding, polymer characterization, physical property testing, and thermal analysis. The center is capable of providing test data for DSM’s wide portfolio of engineering plastics. Additional services include a laboratory scale twin screw extruder for new product development and trial runs. The facility has further scope to grow and add new testing equipment and capabilities as required.
DSM currently has 15 people in Research and Technology based at the center which will grow to 40 in the next 5 years, according to Alexis Ponnouradjou, Global VP Research and Technology DSM Engineering Plastics.
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