Qatar Steel keen on protecting the environment
Source: Release Date:2009-09-14 129
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Qatar Steel Company aspires to be the first name in the region''s steel industry. Developments and initiatives undertaken by Qatar Steel to reduce toxic emission illustrates the company''s proactive role towards protecting the environment and making the steel making process more eco-friendly. Unlike scrap based steel plants facing problem of emissions of heavy metal and toxic chemical, environmentally Qatar Steel has an exclusive advantages compared to other plants in the region. The most significant advantage is that Qatar Steel''s production is based on DRI (direct-reduced iron), which uses the cleanest raw material. Environment management program In addition to spearheading the company''s environment friendly expansion plans, Qatar Steel''s Environment Section coordinates various projects with internal departments under an Environment Management Program. The company''s most significant environmental contribution is centred on diffusing dust emissions, which to a large degree are the results of technology utilised in the 1970''s. The revamping of its dust collection system in their existing facilities is within the scope of these projects. As a part of waste management, Qatar Steel continues to study various options to re-using/re-cycling its production waste. Palletising DR product dust and EF dust (electric arc furnace), recycling of refractory bricks and extracting iron from slag are some of the programs under progress. The utilisation of used tyres as a carbon source in the steel melting process is an achievement in the right direction. This project may be able to contribute to solving or reducing a major community waste problem. ISO 14001:2004 Qatar Steel''s reputation in the field of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is integral to its image and corporate culture. The company migrates to the new environmental ISO 14001:2004 standard as another landmark move towards these globally accepted environment standards. The alignment of environmental objectives, targets and programs with the corporate HSE objective were considered significant achievements during this transition. Qatar Steel succeeded in defining their communication with interested parties, establishing an effective internal audit system and reviewing its performance with the top management. Their success inspired them to proceed with the development of an integrated management system in the near future. Emergency preparedness programs Qatar Steel has an Emergency Response contingency plan and their policy is committed to ensuring that in all activities they seek to safeguard the health and safety of its employees and protect the environment. HSE training Safety education and training is a continuous process, and basic HSE Training is imparted to all the new employees who join Qatar Steel. In addition to this, refresher HSE training is frequently conducted for the existing employees of Qatar Steel. HSE induction Training is applicable for all the contractor''s employees as well and is being conducted for all the new contractor members in various languages, like, English, Arabic, Hindi, Malayalam and Tamil. Heat stress management Campaigns on the hazards of heat stress, pamphlets on the do''s and don''ts to beat the heat, awareness training program on heat stress by a medical officer and safety engineer and the auditing of work places for Heat Stress Management by HSE representatives are all part of their Heat Stress Management Campaign. Safety performance There is an appreciable improvement in the safety performance in Qatar Steel. The usage of aluminised jackets and foundry boots by casters and melters in the EF and CC areas brought down then molten steel related injuries to a large extent. Qatar Steel has also added one more fire engine for better preparedness during emergency. Awareness training anAir Jordan
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