International Metalworking News for Asia
After the comeback of our onsite RingierEvents in South East Asia, I must admitthat there is a certain comfort in returning to physical events. As with everything.there are pros and cons to be consideredin any undertaking. Just as we enjoyedexploring the expanded accessibility of ourconferences through online platforms, wealso relish the tactile experience of listeningto speakers and networking with otherpeople physically, meeting new businesspartners and the thrill of visiting factories. Do not forget to read ourconference report on Ringier Event's first hybrid conference in automotive.
On second note, International Metalworking News for Asia is doing printand digital even before the pandemic started and the benefit of doingthis is being able to reap the best of both worlds, and to reach a wideraudience of readers across South East Asia and internationally who areeager to stay in touch and see how the region continues to grow andevolve with each new year.
This month we feature exclusive interviews with Sabrina Zhang, Directorfor Aftermarket Sales, Services, RMI Operations in China as she talkedabout global trends, customer expectations and requirements, as wellas opportunities.Also, Chris Lee, Regional Vice President of SoftwareBusiness for the Asia Pacific, he explored why Rockwell Automation is afrontrunner when it comes to Connected Enterprise Production System.
June issue is packed with stories on automated regrinding solutions thatgained popularity among tool service providers due to their efficiency andcost-effectiveness in saving time, manual labour, and resources. We alsohighlighted A New Spin on Turning, wherein the article explained how toreduce time wasted changing tools, improve process stability, and improvetool wear with a single tool.
Of course, this issue's Lasers & Welding presented an article on E-carswhere particle accelerator proves that manufacturing is more sustainablewith lasers with green wavelength. It described how a laser with greenwavelength is used, far fewer rejects are produced than with other laserwelding processes. This technology allows car manufacturers to save rawmaterials and thus contribute to more sustainable manufacturing.
So, whether you are reading this nestled in a comfy chair or on your phoneduring your evening commute, we hope that you are enjoying seeing whatInternational Metalworking New for Asia are up to. We are happy to haveso many varied stories to tell and multiple ways to share them with you.