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International Metalworking News for Asia

6 Issues per Year

Publishing language:English

International Metalworking News for Asia

In this edition of International Metalworking News for Asia, we spotlightvisionaries and industry leaders driving innovation and sustainabilityacross the manufacturing landscape. Paddy Lowe, Founder and CEO ofZero Petroleum, captivated audiences at the 3DExperience World with hisforward-thinking approach to sustainable energy solutions, reaffirming ZeroPetroleum's pivotal role in the industry.

Diversity emerges as a powerful catalyst for progress, as evidenced byAneesa Muthana's pioneering work at Pioneer Service Inc. and M&M QualityGrinding. Her leadership underscores the transformative impact of inclusivityon shaping the future of manufacturing.

Renishaw, represented by Steve Bell, illuminates the trajectory of smartmanufacturing solutions, emphasising the crucial role of technology inprocess optimisation and data analysis.As the industry navigates thedigitalisation of production processes, Renishaw remains at the forefront,driving innovation and efficiency.


Meanwhile,aresurgencein demand forrebuilt forgingequipmentunderscoresthe industry's adaptability in meeting evolving market needs. This trendreflects a strategic approach by forgers to capitalise on opportunities in keysectors such as automotive, aerospace, and power generation.


The urgency of climate-neutral production reverberates throughout themanufacturing sector, as highlighted by a recent survey conducted by theGerman Engineering Federation (VDMA). With a majority of companiessetting ambitious climate targets, the industry is poised to embracesustainability as a core principle in driving future growth and innovation.

As we navigate the complexities of modern manufacturing, the stories ofinnovation, sustainability, and resilience showcased here serve as guidingbeacons for the industry's future. From groundbreaking advancements insmart manufacturing to the imperative of climate-neutral production, thelandscape is evolving rapidly, driven by the vision and determination ofleaders like Paddy Lowe, Aneesa Muthana, and Steve Bell.

For more insights and updates on the latest trends shaping the globalmanufacturing arena, don't forget to explore International MetalworkingNews for Asia. Stay informed, stay inspired, and together, let us forge abrighter, more sustainable future for manufacturing worldwide.

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Industry Research Manager

Name: Kathryn Gerardino-Elagio

Email: kathryn@ringiertrade.com

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