International Plastics News for Asia
In this yearend issue, RingierTrade Media brings the Outlook2024 Special Report wherewe gathered the insights ofindustry players on the actorsthat will impact their operationsin 2024, their future plans andefforts to meet the variousmarket challenges. We invitedrepresentatives from ENGEL, FIMC, Ever Polymer Co., Ltd.and CJ Biomaterials to share their views and expectationson the directions that the plastics industry will take.
Ringier Events successfully held the 2023 ASEANPlastics Packaging and Recycling Technologies Summitin Manila last October. Interesting presentations duringthe Summit focused on designing sustainable trends in packaging production, themove towards circular economy and efficient recyclingtechnologies to alleviate plastic waste and opportunities inthe country's plastics industry.
In another section we looked at how Asia is seeing a surgein advanced recycling plants. The adoption of advancedrecycling processes has gained momentum the region, andthis has been reflected in the growing number of recyclingplants being planned or under construction. Given that Asiaremains a huge market for recycled plastic materials, thistrend is likely to create opportunities for those who provideinnovative technologies for sustainable production.