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International Plastics News for Asia

6 Issues per Year

Publishing language:English

International Plastics News for Asia

CHINAPLAS remains Asia's major exhibition.a much-anticipated event that has gatherednot only China-based manufacturers but alsointernational exhibitors who consider Chinaas their important market and gateway toAsia's booming plastics and rubber industries. Being trueto our support of this mega exhibition, this issue carriesa Special Supplement on CHINAPLAS 2024 where wefocused on the innovative products of key players in theindustry.

This is only a teaser as the actual show will offer more interms of live demonstrations at the show floor to ensurethat visitors get the most out of this event. Next issue, wewill have another report on CHINAPLAS with feedback fromexhibitors on market developments and the show's impacton their companies.

Another major exhibition, NPE 2024, is also featured in thisissue.As a leading trade show in Americas, NPE has neverfailed to highlight the importance of innovations to achievea circular economy. The exhibition boasts of a gathering ofthe largest number of bioplastics producers ever.


The emerging plastics manufacturing sector in Vietnamis highlighted in this issue with an interview of a plasticsexporter based in Da Nang. This reflects how the localindustry has become more aware of the vast opportunitiesin the international market and what they should do tobecome more competitive.

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Industry Research Manager

Name: Beng Tan-Guerrero

Email: bengtan@ringiertrade.com

Blog: https://plasticsasia.blogspot.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PlasticsAsia

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