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International Plastics News for Asia

6 Issues per Year

Publishing language:English

International Plastics News for Asia

A Supplement on InterPlas Thailand 2024 bringssome of the highlights of this exhibition, as wellas the exhibitors and their products. As partof the Manufacturing Expo, this exhibition hasbeen Southeast Asia's biggest industrial event coveringan expanded range of industries. Given the importance ofSoutheast Asia in the global market now, we expect keyplayers in the industry to bring their latest technologies andmaterial solutions to this exhibition.

Vietnam's plastics industry has been attracting investmentsand over the years, we have seen a growing number ofdomestic plastics manufacturers that have embarked onexpansion programs to boost their productivity and competein the global market. In this issue, our Dialogue sectionfeatures a Taiwan-based injection moulding machineproducer whose production systems have been benefittingVietnamese companies.


Ringier Events recently organised the Asian Food andBeverage Innovation Summit 2024 in Jakarta, Indonesia.As a gathering of companies engaged in food & beveragemanufacturing and packaging, the conference has beenable to deliver the latest trends in F&B production whileproviding participants with guides on how to improve theirF&B packaging to meet global standards.

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Industry Research Manager

Name: Beng Tan-Guerrero

Email: bengtan@ringiertrade.com

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