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Food Pacific Manufacturing Journal

6 Issues per Year

Publishing language:English

Food Pacific Manufacturing Journal

There’s keen interest in alternative proteins/plant-based proteins in Asia. A Mordor Intelligence report says the APAC market for plant proteins is growing at a CAGR of 6.1% (2018-2023) to reach USD 1,178 million by 2023. The region is getting ready for the meatless future even as we know that many consumers in the region are quite familiar with the taste of alternatives like insects, tofu, mycoproteins, and so many others. But how do you win in this budding market? Sam Gao of Top Guide Advisory Shanghai has his own thoughts to share about this on pages 14-16.

Dairy is another booming sector in the region. The Southeast Asian market is looking good. Earlier this year, the US Dairy Export Council (USEC) announced record-highs for cheese, whey, and other ingredients, exported to the region in 2018. We talked to Ms. Dalilah Ghazalay, Regional Director, Southeast Asia, USDEC about it.

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Industry Research Manager

Name: Marijo S. Gonzalez

Email: mgonzalez@ringiertrade.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoodBevAsia


Blog: https://foodbevasia.blogspot.com